Title: 'Characters With Character'
A workshop by Sahar Khajeh
Foundation Degree Program Manager, PhD Student, University of Hertfordshire, UK


Students will ask to identify sample of letters from the books and prints that appear to express emotion and personality. As a group or class will discuss how those personalities are expressed in the design of a letter.
Students must use different materials for each board. Carefully consider the style, weight and width of the strokes they use, and how it suits their chosen adjective. Also consider how their chosen material relates to their chosen adjectives. Use upper and lowercase as appropriate.
They should also think about the scale, position and crop of the character within the board to best express each adjective.
i.e. Would a ‘terrified’ H be very large?
Would a ‘confident’ S find itself tucked in the corner?.

Materials/ tools to be brought by student participants:

Each student needs:
- 5 pieces of white board cut to 21 x 21 cm
- Black & white paint and/or other black & white drawing materials
- Paint brushes thick & fine


About Instructor:
Sahar Khajeh

Foundation Degree Program Manager, PhD Student, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Sahar Khajeh is the director of his own Graphic Design firm, SK Graphic Design Limited., with experience in teaching IT, software, and graphic design at the University of Hertfordshire and North Hertfordshire College in the UK. She has been appointed as Programme Manager for Foundation degree in Computing at North Hertfordshire college with cooperation with University of Hertfordshire. She has a Doctorate (DDes/Ph.D.) in Communication Design -Bilingual Typography. Also, She is a graduate of the M.A in Visual Communication (Graphic Design) from Kingston University at London. She is passionate about research and teaching.

Contact details: sahar.khajeh@yahoo.com